Editorial Policy of Diudus.com

Last updated on: 23 May 2024

Trust and transparency are at the heart of what we do

We’re proud to share more about how Diudus.com creates content that’s accurate, straightforward, current, and actionable.

Finding information can be easy, but finding trustworthy, relevant facts is hard.

Finding the right incense for your needs can be overwhelming. So many options and so little time. The Internet is a treasure trove of information, but sorting through it all takes some effort - and patience because not every site will have what you want by chance alone.

Diudus.com is changing all that. We make high-quality information understandable, accessible so you can make decisions for yourself as well as those close.

Our tutorials and articles skimp on unnecessary jargon so you can feel confident taking action. Whether it's your first time making incense at home, or just looking for some general knowledge about a particular type of fragrance, we're here to help!

From the ground up, we'll take you through all aspects of incense making. From creating your own blends and techniques to sourcing ingredients or even how they're used in spiritual practices around the world - it's our goal that by following these tutorials step-by-step any novice will feel confident enough to start their journey today.

We know that the journey is different for everyone, so we stand for inclusivity and empathy. We're here to serve you - free of judgment- on your path towards better things!

We care about you and are here for your support on this journey. No matter how long it takes or what challenges arise in the future-we'll be there as friends because that is what humanity strives to become: stronger together than alone ever can be!

We're aware each person’s experience with growth may differ greatly so our team stands strongly behind Inclusive Empathy & Nonjudgment towards everyone seeking better things.

Our Mission

The pursuit of spiritual health can be a daunting one. We want to offer you the assistance that we know will make it easier for your journey, and help ensure that whatever direction is right for each person's unique needs in this area becomes clear soon enough!

Our content creation process

Diudus.com is committed to quality content and experiences by upholding journalistic standards. We strive to provide comprehensive, unbiased guidance with actionable next steps for our readers so they can make informed decisions about their goals.

Our team

Diudus.com only offers highly qualified content to our readers. By checking the authenticity and reviewing each article, you can be sure that all of our work is accurate and up-to-date.

We also make sure that it's reviewed by qualified writers who are experts in the field of yoga or nutrition to ensure accuracy!

Our review

We are committed to providing the most accurate and helpful reviews. We take our work seriously, which is why we have a rigorous review process that includes testing, research, and analysis of products. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions about your purchases by arming you with all the information (including good and bad) before making an investment in any product.

Our writers

We are a team of professional writers who create engaging and informative content for our readers. Our posts are well-researched and carefully written, ensuring that our audience receives the best possible information. We strive to provide valuable insights into the world of incense and incense holder.

Thank you for choosing us as your go-to source for quality content!

Our references, citations, and sources

We have strict sourcing guidelines and rely on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, government agencies.

Every article is thoroughly researched to make sure the sources are legitimate and recent ones which will give you a balanced perspective without any bias whatsoever. We link primary resources such as individual scientific publications within each document or they can be found at bottom of web pages.

Keep content up to date

We take feedback extremely seriously and make sure that our content is accurate, up-to-date with reliable sources cited at all times. If you have any questions or comments about anything on this page please get in touch by visiting this page.

Our voice

The voice of our publication is warm and approachable — yet brave, progressive. We focus on simplicity; accuracy in reporting the news while also focusing heavily on empathy for those we cover as well any other relevant information they may need to know or understand (e.g., how communities are feeling). Inclusive language helps inspire hope within your readership so that you can encourage them to take action with what's happening around them! 

We use positive terms when possible because it's the right thing to do. Language should empower people not only to read but write up these stories themselves.

Your feedback is welcome!

We're determined to provide you with the very best experience. Let us know if there's anything at all that could be improved in order for your customer service excellence, and we'll work hard on making it even better!

If you're having trouble with our content, or an article that seems out of date, we want to know about it! You can tell us by visiting this page.